Check Out This Skin-on-Frame Kayak Lamp
We may earn commissions if you shop through the links below. You’ve seen Marcelo Rossi’s work on this website before. He most recently wrote about The Sparrow: a modern Greenland-style kayak with an ancient spirit, and in the past, he built a Siskiwit SOF, and back in 2015 he built a baidarka. He returns with photos of a skin-on-frame kayak lamp that he made as a birthday gift for his best friend. Marcelo worked from scaled plans and built the model using scaled wood building materials and glued the parts together. Before skinning the boat, he added an internal light source. He also carved a scaled Greenland-style paddle. After he put on the skin, he mounted it upright on a wooden base. It now serves as a light in his best friend’s bedroom. What a great project! If you have a project that you’d like to share, please, email photos and details to Here are pictures from the build.
Bryan Hansel