Creamy Wild Rice and Chicken over Potatoes
We may earn commissions if you shop through the links below. Wild rice and paddling go together. Some of the first canoes were used to harvest wild rice, and if you paddle in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness chances are you have paddled through a rice field. It not only goes with paddling, but it tastes great. A wild rice soup poured over mashed potatoes fills the stomach and makes a satisfying end to a day of paddling. This recipe is quick, hardy and easy to carry. Creamy Wild Rice and Chicken over Potatoes Recipe (Serves 2) Calories: 425 per person Ingredients 2 packages of Lipton Cup-a-Soup, Cream of Chicken 2 extra-large cubes of Vegetable Bouillon 1/2 cup of Uncle Ben’s Long Grain and Wild Rice, Fast Cook Recipe or dehydrated Wild Rice (see below) 2/3 cup of Potato Buds 1 Tbsp of Ghee, Clarified Butter 3-1/3 cups of water (2/3 cup for potatoes, 2-2/3 for rice and soup) Join REI and Earn $30 towards your next gear purchase. Boil water. Pour 2/3 cup into a freezer bag with the potato buds, add ghee. Mix. Add rice, bouillon and soup to the boiling water. Stir well. Reduce heat to a simmer. Cook for five minutes or until the rice is tender. Add more water if you want a thinner soup. Split potatoes into two bowls, indent the potatoes and pour the creamy wild rice soup over. Serve with bannock. Dehydrating Wild Rice For dehydrated wild rice, boil 2 cups of water. Add 3 Tbsp. of wild rice to the boiling rice. Reduce to a simmer and simmer for 30 or 40 minutes until tender. Dehydrate at about 135 degrees for several hours. Rice dries quickly.
Bryan Hansel